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Showing posts with the label WordPress

CEOs: 3 ways to improve your WordPress websites

Being a CEOs of a somewhat small company, you must have wondered how to attract (and keep) customers on your WordPress website, therefore increasing the possibility of turning a potential lead to a happy customer. As a participant in the Northwestern Social Media Management Course, , I have learned that it is not only important what your content is but also how you display it and how you improve the user experience on your site, which is also emphasized in these two articles. In his article, How to make complete strangers fall in love with your blog , which can be found at Jeff Bullas blog/website (@jeffbullas), Jawad Khan points out the importance of several things, one of them being the importance of brand and the landing page – if you are not already famous it must be attractive the visitors otherwise they will leave. According to the author of this article, other important things also include free quality content – images, info-graph...